For media, press, and publicity inquiries:
Alyssa Persons
Little, Brown and Company
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104
Email: Alyssa.Persons@hbgusa.com
For speaking engagement requests and inquiries:
Steven Barclay
Steven Barclay Agency
12 Western Avenue
Petaluma, CA 94952
Phone: 707-773-0654
Email: info@barclayagency.com or Steven@barclayagency.com
For rights, literary agent requests, and inquiries:
Cristina Concepcion
Don Congdon Associates
110 William St., Suite 2202
New York, NY 10038
Phone: 212-645-1229
Email: dca@doncongdon.com
For permissions:
If you would like permission to use material from one of David Sedaris’s books, please fill out the relevant form here and submit to permissions.Generic@hbgusa.com